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1PrintPods Quick Start

Before using the PrintPods, please watch the first steps here.

Link to download the App,

Or simply search "PrintLab" on Google Play for Android or App Store for Apple devices.




2PrintPods Connecting With Your Phone

Here shows how to connect your phone with PrintPods thru WiFi.

Please stay with with “Evebot-xxxx” WiFi, even your phone says no internet connection.



You only need to do this setup once!


3PrintPods Switching WiFi Channel (Android)

(if the above fails)

Printpods has three WiFi channels. Since each phone is different, the suitable channel could be different. The channel needs to be changed in the following situations:

  1. Fails to connect with the phone at the first time or connection fails sometimes/suddenly.


2、The connection loses after a short time when you are back to the APP interface

You only need to do this setup once!


4Methods to solve the streaks

The printhead integrated on the ink cartridge has many small nanoscale nozzles. During use, the nozzles could be contaminated with dust, or the ink dries on the nozzle surface. Though our ink has smooth performance, we still recommend user to cap the ink cartridge after using.

If you see the white lines, or streaks when printing, there are several solutions to solve.

printing streaks

You can refer to the video here

Recommended going to the method 3 directly if method 1 fails.


5Method to position your print (with using ruler)

*Please practice, before you print onto important item*


Please refer to the video here